PinnedThe Continuing Saga of “This Old Truck”I briefly wrote about my old truck in another article titled: “Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc”, but it deserves an additional mention because it…May 23, 2022May 23, 2022
The Yale Endowment ModelThe Yale endowment model incorporates the mean-variance approach described in Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT) designed by Harry Markowitz and…May 10, 2024May 10, 2024
The Investing EssayDo you remember how we were taught to author a good essay in English class? Our paper needs an introduction, body, and conclusion. When…Apr 13, 2024Apr 13, 2024
Small Business Exit PlanningThere comes a time when you will want to either sell or pass along your business to your heirs. How do you exit your business? What are the…Dec 8, 2023Dec 8, 2023
Biblical Wealth TransferOur goal today is to address the wealth transfer process. The objective is to determine the proper allocation of resources among…Nov 1, 2023Nov 1, 2023
The Biblical World View of MoneyWhat does the Bible say about money? God knows how obsessed we are with money because He gave us 2350 scripture verses about money in the…Oct 6, 2023Oct 6, 2023